Madrid, 20 de agosto de 1993
La Sociedad Sexológica de Madrid, al celebrarse en Madrid el tercer Congreso Mundial de sacerdotes casados, quiere subrayar la importancia del tema para acercar el clero al pueblo, y conseguir que sus directrices respecto a la sexualidad y la familia se basen en una experiencia real, sentida y vivida.
Por eso mismo lamenta vivamente que, en frontal oposición a la práctica de otras Iglesias cristianas, incluso la no menos católica y ortodoxa Iglesia Oriental, el Vaticano se oponga absolutamente a cualquier movimiento pro celibato opcional. Las formas tajantes y violentas con que mantiene ese celibato obligatorio, práctica contraria a la que vemos en el Evangelio y la Iglesia primitiva, muestra a las claras hasta qué punto predomina en la curia romana el menosprecio real hacia las sexualidad y familia, que su celibato le obliga a desconocer y rechazar incluso en esta época de revalorización, también por parte de muchos católicos, de esos elementos claves de la vida humana.
La gravedad de este problema queda patente si recordamos que, a pesar de estar compuesto sólo por célibes (o precisamente por eso) el Vaticano se empeña en pontificar lo que debemos hacer en sexualidad y familia TODOS, no sólo los católicos. Hace pocos años, por ejemplo, todos los españoles teníamos prohibidos por ley los anticonceptivos y el divorcio. Y el actual Papa sigue presionando a las autoridades civiles, donde puede, directamente o por organizaciones como el Opus Dei, para OBLIGAR A TODOS POR LEY, ES DECIR, POR LA FUERZA, a actuar sólo conforme a sus peculiares opiniones en este campo. Agresión continuada que aquí queremos una vez más denunciar, junto con una de sus principales causas, el celibato impuesto a jóvenes inexpertos e inhumanamente presionados, lo que les convierte en guías ciegos de la sexualidad y familia de sus conciudadanos.
World Congress Of Sexology
Like other epidemics, AIDS has excited a conservati-ve reaction (abstinence, absolute monogamy, etc.) as well as a more progressive one (sex education, the use of condoms, etc.). In this progressive current, we want to promote already existing practices which can aid in stoping the spread of AIDS, as well as bettering the social conception of sexuality in general.
Classic prostitution, with its strong elements of classism and sexism, leads to sexofobia. AIDS has given it an even more sinister tint. But the sexual needs of those isola-ted or embarrased because of age, handicap, erotic peculiari-ties, etc. continue to exist. The old prostitution, with the spread of AIDS, has, in some circumstances, been replaced by the creation of different types of massage. We believe it necessary to encourage by means of private enterprises, «trade marks», and even public control, a system of safe massage, with very well defined characteristics: 1. Complete sexual release. 2. The exclusive use of manual massage. 3. A clean environment and acceptable aesthetic. 4. Well trained profes-sionals, and 5. A fixed and accessible economic cost.
Two examples can help in understanding the possibilities of this project. The first is PLAYBOY, a magazi-ne which combined esthetically acceptable nude bodies with prestigious general and cultural information. It has redeemed «pornography» from its usually clandestine and socially unac-ceptable position. The other example is the success of «fast food», as established by McDonald and others. It has not lacked critics, as has PLAYBOY, but it has still managed to fill an ample worldwide demand for food which, though of limited selection, is relatively healthy, clean, economical, and served in an acceptable environment.
In a similar style, a system of massage with well defined characteristics, as the one we have proposed, could have worldwide success, as it responds to vital needs and because of its «prophylactic» character. Although we advocate massage for its pleasure, we can’t forget that sexuality is still very affected by milleniums of represion. The style of these massa-ges will only be socially acceptable when they became conside-red as something «healthy», that is, as a method to prevent the spread of AIDS. And for the individual, therapeutic massa-ge will eliminate many obstacles to pleasure in general, and not just provide genital release, that is, orgasm.